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Welcome to The Workshop Fitness Centre! We are thrilled to have you as part of our community. To ensure a positive, safe, and respectful environment for all members, please carefully read and acknowledge our gym rules. Your membership is contingent on following these rules at all times. If you fail to observe these guidelines, we may ask you to leave the premises or terminate your membership, based on reasonable grounds.


General Behavior Expectations:

  • Respectful Conduct:

  • Treat all members, staff, and facilities with respect. Intimidation, harassment, or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

  • You must be courteous to other members and respect their personal space while working out.

  • Good Behavior:

  • Your membership is subject to good behavior. If at any time you fail to adhere to the rules, your access to the gym may be revoked. We ask you to create a friendly, supportive environment for everyone.​


  • Using Equipment Safely:

  • Responsibility for Equipment Use:

  • You are responsible for using the gym equipment correctly and safely. If you are unsure about how to use any equipment, ask staff for assistance during staffed hours.

  • If you notice any equipment is damaged or broken, please notify staff immediately during staffed hours or via email at

  • Equipment Care:

  • Please ensure all equipment is returned to its designated place after use. Wipe down machines and equipment after use to maintain cleanliness.

  • Damages:

  • You will be held financially responsible for any damage caused by willful acts or negligence on your part.


  • Gym Etiquette:

  • Cleanliness:

  • We expect all members to leave the gym in a clean and tidy state after use. This includes wiping down equipment, putting weights away, and tidying up after yourself.

  • Personal Belongings:

  • Your personal belongings are your responsibility. Please do not bring valuables to the gym. Lockers are provided for storage. The gym is not liable for lost or stolen items.


  • ​Using Gym Equipment:

  • Safety First: When using free weights (e.g., bench press), ensure you have a training partner or use safety equipment such as spotters or safety racks.

  • No dropping weights: Do not drop weights from above your head or in an unsafe manner.

  • Phones: Please do not hold up equipment by playing on your phone. We ask you to either put your phone away or take it to an area where it does not interfere with other members’ workouts.

  • Bags and Tripods: Bags and tripods are potential trip hazards. Please store your bag in the designated rack, and seek written permission from management if you wish to use a tripod. If you would like to use a tripod, please email us at for approval.


Security and Safety:

  • No Unauthorized Access:

  • Do not allow anyone into the gym using your membership tag or otherwise. This will result in a $250 fine that must be paid within 5 working days. If damage occurs from an individual you have allowed entry, you will be responsible for all costs related to repair or replacement of equipment.

  • Health & Wellness:

  • Please do not enter the gym if you are feeling unwell, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. For the safety of all members, you must be fit to train when entering the gym.


Gym Policies:

  • Food and Drinks:

  • No food or inappropriate drinks are permitted on the gym floor. Only water bottles are allowed.

  • No Smoking/Vaping:

  • Smoking or vaping is strictly prohibited anywhere within the gym or its premises.

  • Gang Paraphernalia:

  • Gang-related clothing, symbols, or paraphernalia are strictly prohibited at all times.

  • Personal Training:

  • Only The Workshop personal trainers are authorized to provide personal training services. Unauthorized personal training is not allowed.


Additional Rules:

No Equipment Removal:

  • Removing any equipment from the premises is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply will result in charges for theft.

  • Trip Hazard:

  • Tripods, bags, and other items must not be left on the gym floor without prior permission. If you wish to use a tripod for filming or photography, please email management for approval.

  • Amendments to Rules:

  • The Workshop reserves the right to change or amend these rules at any time. Failure to follow the rules may result in access being denied or termination of your membership.


A Positive Gym Environment:

The Workshop is a friendly, supportive community. We ask that you come with a good attitude and a desire to train sensibly and respectfully. By adhering to these rules, you ensure that everyone can enjoy and benefit from our amazing facilities.

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